The former site of the German Police Headquarters in Qingdao Old Town was completed in 1905, one year after construction started in 1904. The main entrance is located at the southeast corner of the compound, facing south towards Qingdao Bay. The facade is asymmetric with the east wing higher than the west. In the center of the German Police Headquarter complex is a belfry with a small multi-stepped gable at each side decorated in brick-laid patterns. The former site of the German Police Headquarters is constructed of red brick, Mount Lao granite, and re-enforced concrete. Crowned with a slopping roof of red Terra-cotta tiles, which is typical German Renaissance architecture, the building resembles a typical European township building of the 19th century. According to records it was designed and constructed by the Kiaochow (JiaoZhou Bay) Administration of Construction.
青岛德国警察署旧址的建筑平面以“L”形,主体为二至三层,高16.5米,塔楼高30米,东南角设计为南向开门的主入口。 立面采取东高西低不对称式实际,构图中心为一钟楼,上端结合屋脊四面起阶梯式小山墙,并附以外露砖砌花纹作为装饰。 该建筑采取斜坡大屋面式样, 并辅以红陶瓦, 建筑格调类同于欧洲19世纪市镇公共建筑形式,是一栋德国文艺复兴式风格的建筑。 该建筑物开工于1904年,建成于1905年。 据资料记载,此建筑为胶澳建设管理局设计。 现为山东省省级文物保护单位。
Site of the former German Police Headquarters
29 HuBei Road (5 minute walk from Qingdao Train Station)
Built in 1905
Shinan District, Shandong Province, Qingdao. P.R. China
青岛德国警察署旧址: 中国山东省青岛市市南区 湖北路29号
Photograph © Colton Dirks
ja, da war ich, es ist so schoene bildung! deutsche soll es besichtigen.