Run No. 294 – Saturday September 22, 2012. Hare/s: Horny Medic “Losa” & Pole Beer “Idzi.” This is an out of town trail. You will enjoy the peaceful countryside and excellent views at some unexpected places when you might begin to abuse the hares from your heart! Some places are slippery. Hiking shoes are perfect for walkers. Because we can only find trees, small flowers and stones around the beer stop, it is impossible to organize drinks for thirsty this time. Please bring your own drinks along.
Costs: 10 rmb/head for hashers & harriettes; 5 rmb/head for horrors up to 12 years old for bus & beers/water – Horrors must be accompanied by one or both parents on all our runs, unaccompanied Horrors will be sent back home !! Dinner: is optional and will be at an added cost if you decide to stay! Meeting Place and Time: Meet at Qingdao Crowne Plaza Hotel lobby at 1 PM for a 1.15 PM SHARP hare off!! We will take bus #801 first and then change to #106/109/372/111 at LiCun GongYuan (李村公园) stop and finally get off at the run start point at NanWuShi (南屋石) bus stop.
Licun Residents: Could wait up at LiCun GongYuan to join the oncoming hashers from Crowne Plaza no later than 2.15pm or can go directly to the run start point at NanWuShi stop too, bus please be there no later than 2.30pm. Run starts as soon as we all reach the start point, approximately by 2.40-45pm!
Receding Hareline: WE NEED HARES! Please let Premature Finnish know if you are available to hare a date below, thanks!
- Run No. 295 – September 29 – Susie (VIRGIN hare) + ??
- Run No. 296 – October 6 – ??
- Run No. 297 – October 13 – ??
- Run No. 298 – October 20 – Premature Finnish “Timo”
- Run No. 299 – October 27 – ??
- Run No. 300 – November 3 – Run & Hash Bash – ??
Planned Out of Town Specials:
We will keep you posted as and when they come up!!
Want to volunteer for haring? Know someone who wants to hare? Please contact our Hare Raiser “Premature Finnish”
On On !!
Premature Finnish & Team – Hare Raiser/Trail Master
E: qingdaohhh@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/QdHHH – Drinking club with a running problem
Global Hash Trash: www.gthhh.com