Run No. 283 – Bunkers & Beer, Saturday July 7, 2012. Hare/s: Pole Beer (Idzi) and Catarina. This is Bunkers & Beer Hash – as an old German soldier’s saying goes: In bunkers there is no beer, that’s why we drink it here! The run will take us through interesting, winding, small streets to some old German military installations. Plan to attend? Please RSVP at qingdaohhh@gmail.com.
Costs: Run: RMB 10/head for hashers & harriettes; RMB 5/ head for horrors upto 12 years old for bus & beers/water – Horrors MUST BE ACCOMPANIED by one or both parents on ALL OUR RUNS, unaccompanied Horrors will be sent back home !! Dinner: is optional and will be at an added cost if you decide to stay! Meeting Place and Time: Meet at Qingdao Crowne Plaza Hotel lobby at 2 PM for a 2.15 PM SHARP hare off!! We take the buses # 31, 228, 304, 316, 321 and 501 to Wendeng Lu. The name of the bus stop is Hai Shui Yu Chang. We start at just west of the soccer stadium.
People going directly to the run start point, please plan to reach there NO LATER than 2.45 PM! Run starts as soon as we reach the start point, approximately by 2.45-50 PM!
Receding Hareline: WE NEED HARES! Please let Premature Finnish know if you are available to hare a date below, thanks!
- Run No. 283 – July 7 – Old Town Run – Pole Beer “Idzi” and Catarina
- Run No. 284 – July 14 – Whore’s Whisperer (Philip)
- Run No. 285 – July 21 – ?? – Maybe Huangdao? Maybe Greg?
- Run No. 286 – July 28 – ??
Planned Out of Town Specials:
‘Unicornis Destillery run’ in August. The exact date will be determined later, because it will depend on when they have production going on. Want to volunteer for haring? Know someone who wants to hare? Please contact our Hare Raiser “Premature Finnish”
On On !!
Premature Finnish & Team
Hare Raiser (temporary)/Trail Master – Qingdao Hash House Harriers
E: qingdaohhh@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/QdHHH – Drinking club with a running problem
Global Hash Trash: www.gthhh.com