The Qingdao Hash House Harriers are one of Qingdao’s oldest running clubs and are welcoming new runners and walkers. After 9 years and almost 300 runs in and around Qingdao they are still active every Saturday and enjoy getting together for a run/walk, followed by drinks and dinner. A run lasts for around 1 hour and will lead the Hashers through a different area of Qingdao every time. Everyone is welcome to join! It is not a race and walkers are just as welcome as runners, as long as all enjoy getting together with other people and exploring the city together. The fee for a run is usually only 10 rmb! Qingdao Hash House Harriers meet every Saturday in the lobby of the Crowne Plaza Hotel at 2pm unless otherwise specified.
Hares wanted! A hare is the person that prepares a run for the QD Hash House Harriers. They are volunteers that use flour to make special markings on the street to guide the group from the starting point to the finish. It is very easy to make a trail and it only takes around 2 hours of time. All you need is a good area for running and a nice area to finish the run. Experienced Hashers can help with the setting of your trail – or you can join another Hasher first to help with the preparation.
Please contact the Qingdao Hash House Harriers if you want to join in on new and upcoming activities.
On on!
Hare Raiser/Trail Master
E: qingdaohhh@gmail.com