Run No. 298 – Saturday October 20, 2012. Hares: Premature Finnish “Timo” & Well Hung Jury “Steve.” This a basically a A to A run, Hashers can leave their stuff at the nearby Hare’s home burrow where food and drink will be available after the circle. The run will go (surprise, surprise) up to Fushan. Children have to stay on the walkers route and even there the parents should keep a sharp eye on them. The trail will not be very long but it will provide great vistas and sweaty climbs. Bring your best climbing shoes. So, come along and say your byes to Premature Finnish……THANKS Timo, you’ve done a great job at the Hash, farewell and good tidings in the US of A, hope you find as, ahem, a great and lovely bunch of people as we are at QdHHH. Plan to attend? Please RSVP to qingdaohhh@gmail.com
Costs: Run: RMB 10/head for hashers & harriettes; RMB 5/ head for horrors upto 12 years old for bus & beers/water – Horrors MUST BE ACCOMPANIED by one or both parents on ALL OUR RUNS, unaccompanied Horrors will be sent back home !! Dinner is optional and will be at an added cost if you decide to stay! Meeting Place and Time: Meet at Hotel Crowne Plaza lobby at 2 PM for a 2.15 PM SHARP hare off!! We will take any bus from 104, 304, 321, 125, 501 etc. to the starting point at Haichuan Lu bus stop (just down the stairs from Hong Kong Rd). Run starts as soon as we all reach the start point, approximately by 2.30- 45 PM!
Hash Bite:
This is the last local trail Premature Finnish is setting for a while since he is soon going to be running on American soil. Well Hung Jury will resume his duties as the Hare Master.
Receding Hareline: WE NEED HARES! Please let Well Hung Jury know if you are available to hare a date below, thanks!
- Run No. 299 – October 27 – ??
- Run No. 300 (Special Run & Hash Bash) – November 3 – ??
- Run No. 301 – November 10 – ??
- Run No. 302 – November 17 – ??
- Run No. 303 – November 24 – ??
Planned Out of Town Specials:
We will keep you posted as and when they come up!!
Want to volunteer for haring? Know someone who wants to hare? Please contact our Hare Raiser “Premature Finnish”
On On !!
Premature Finnish & Team – Hare Raiser/Trail Master
E: qingdaohhh@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/QdHHH – Drinking club with a running problem
Global Hash Trash: www.gthhh.com