Events & Activities

Beizhai Cherry Festival – Mount Lao

Every year at the end of May, BeiZhai hosts Mount Lao’s Cherry Festival. Local farmers open their orchards for a set fee where you can pick and eat as many cherries as you like. BeiZhai is located on the north-western side of Laoshan Scenic Area along the Bin Hai Expressway corridor.

Mount Lao Beizhai Cherry

The Beizhai Cherry Festival  kicks off at Mount Lao (Laoshan 崂山)!  Every year at the end of May local Qingdao farmers open their orchards to the public where you can pick and eat as many cherries as you want for a set fee. Last year the price was around 30 RMB, however this year despite the local government’s recommendations, the farmers have set the price between 50 and 80 RMB. Beizhai is located near the site of the 2014 International Horticultural Exposition in a fertile valley along Bin Hai Expressway. Beizhai Cherry Farm Map

Beizhai Cherry Farms in Mount Lao:

DaLao Cherry Valley Sightseeing Park (大崂樱桃山谷观光园)
Contact: +86 (532) 8705-2779 Mr. Wang De Dong
Details: 900 acre –  one of the biggest cherry parks with 150,000 visitors a year.
Location: DaLao SheQu North Mountain (大崂社区北山).
Bus: #365, #110, #112 to DaLao 大崂

DaLao Red Cherry Ecology Park (大崂红樱生态园)
Contact: ( +86) 139-0532-3700 Mr. Wang He Sheng.
Details: 300 acres.
Location: DaLao SheQu west of the village 大崂社区村西.
Bus: #365, #110, #112 to DaLao 大崂

BeiJian TianYiShun Cherry Park 北涧天一顺樱桃园
Contact: (+86) 135-7322-2725 Miss Hu AiXin.
Details: Around 1000 cherry trees:  total capacity is around 2500 kg.
Location: BeiJing SheQu North Mountain 北涧社区北山.
Bus: #365, #110, #112, #311 to HongYuan (洪园).

BiJia BeiShan Cherry Park (毕家北山樱桃园)
Contact: (+86) 135-5308-8503 Miss Lin Ting Ting
Details: Around 1300 Bing cherry trees and 700 Laoshan cherry trees.
Location: BiJia SheQu North Mountain (毕家社区北山)
Bus: #365, #311, #112 to BiJia (毕家)

NanBeiLing Cherry Vally Ecology Park (南北岭樱桃谷生态园)
Contact: (+86) 136-0898-3866 Mr.Lan ChengZhong
Details: Around 300 Laoshan cherry trees in the park.
Location: NanBeiLing SheQu (南北岭社区)
Bus: #365, #110, #112, #311 to DaLao (大崂)

LiangQuan LaoLiJia Cherry Park (凉泉老李家樱桃园)
Contact: (+86) 135-8329-5353
Details: Around 1000 Bing cherry trees and 100 Laoshan cherry trees.
Location: LiangQuan SheQu (凉泉社区)
Bus: #365, #311, #112 to BiJia (毕家)

MuWuShi Cherry Park (慕武石樱桃园)
Contact: (+86) 13573229416 Miss Jiang Xiu Min
Details: There are 100 big cherry trees and 1000 small cherry trees.
Location: MuWuShi SheQu North Mountain (慕武石社区北山)
Bus: #365, #311, #112 to ZhouGeZhuang ( 周格庄)

QiYu Cherry Park (七峪樱桃园)
Contact: (+86) 186-6140-6661 Miss Li Shi Ai
Details: There are 100 big cherry trees and 1000 small cherry trees.
Location: QiYu SheQu(七峪社区)
Bus: #365, #311, #112 to QiYu (七峪)

XiaGeCheng Cherry Park (下葛场樱桃园)
Contact: (+86)  139-6965-0309 Mr. Yin DongJing
Details: Every farmer family has cherry trees, total is 13000 trees.
Location: XiaGeChang SheQu (下葛场社区)
Bus: #365, #311, #112 to ZhouGeZhuang (周格庄)

YouYouGu Cherry Park (幽幽谷樱桃园)
Contact: (+86) 138-8463-2081; 136-6532-6033 Li Yuan Yi
Details: 30 acres and 600 cherry trees.  They have short “cherry pearl” trees which are ideal for children to pick cherries.

Beizhai Cherry Festival  Preferred Hiking Routes

1. TianLaiGu (天籁谷): take bus #112, #311, #365, #628 to ZhouGeZhuang  (周格庄).
2. ShiMenShan (石门山): take bus #112, #311, #365, #619 to HuaYang (华阳).
3. HuaLouShan (华楼山): take bus #112, #311, #365, #619 to HuaLouShan (华楼山).
4. PiShiShan (劈石山): take bus #110 to DaLao (大崂).
5. HuaHua LangZi Forest Park (花花浪子森林公园): take bus #110 to BeiTou SheQu (北头社区).
6. CuiZhu Valley (翠竹谷): take bus #365, #31, #112 to WoLong SheQu (卧龙社区).
7. BeiJiuShui (北九水): take bus #365, #311, #619 to BeiJiuShui (北九水).
8. GoldFish Bay Agricultural Ecology  Sightseeing Park (金鱼湾农业观光园): take bus #112, #311, #365, #628 to GouYa (沟崖).

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